From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation
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UV mapping the head
From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation
UV mapping the head
- [Narrator] Now we can use the same process to test the UV map of the head as well. We can use this same material and test pattern when we're working on the head. What we should probably do is just change this material name just so we know what it is. I'll just call it UV test pattern as well, and then let's select the head, and to isolate this, instead of pressing Shift + H to hide everything else, what we can also do is hit the division key on the numpad and that will isolate the selected object. So here we just have the head isolated from everything else. All right, so let's select the head and Tab into edit mode, and to UV map this, what I think we should do is try and hide our seams under the cap and we can come back to the back of the head here and press Alt and click. Let me go to edge mode with the 2 key and press Alt and click an edge right here and that will select the edge all the way up the front. We don't…
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