From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Establishing the face loops

Establishing the face loops

- [Instructor] Now we need to begin extending these loops on down around the mouth and down here around the mouth down to the chin. So let's being working on that. I'll just press the two key to go to edge select and then I'll select this edge and let's press E and let's just begin taking this edge on around the mouth. So I'm just going to continue hitting E and moving down and hitting R and rotating it and G and moving it. And I'm just continuing to do this on down around the mouth. And then I'll connect 'em up and then do a bit of adjusting. So I'm just going to get this one down to here and one more. I'll hit E and slam those together and there we go. So now what let's do is merge these together. I'll just press the one key to go back to vertex mode, and let's use the merge tool to get these together. I can just click this one and shift click this one, and then I'll press Alt M and we can choose to merge those two at the last…
