From the course: Being Positive at Work

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Understand the impact of positivity on your life

Understand the impact of positivity on your life

From the course: Being Positive at Work

Understand the impact of positivity on your life

- What exactly is positivity, and why does it matter? Well, let me introduce you to positive Paula and negative Nelly. These two women are both smart, competent and equally hardworking. But there's one huge difference, when positive Paula goes to work, talk centers on what others have recently accomplished, how nice the weather is today how appreciative she is of others. When negative Nelly goes to work, we hear how overwhelmed she is how awful traffic was getting to the office and how stupid the recent management decisions were. Paula sees the proverbial glass as half full and Nelly sees it as half empty. Paula has an affirmative bias, that is, she chooses to focus on human potential and strengths. Nelly chooses to focus on problems and weaknesses. You might argue that negative Nelly is the realist; that she is quick to see potential threats or problems that positive Paula misses. So let me be clear. Being positive…
