From the course: Basics of Data Visualization Analysis

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Pie charts

Pie charts

- Do you remember when you saw your first pie chart? The main advantage of pie charts compared to many other categorical visualization techniques is that pie charts are commonly used in pop culture and news. A background in data science is not necessary to be able to relate to them. And in this lesson I'm going to walk you through what pie charts are and how you can navigate using one. Also known as circle charts, pie charts are a circular visualization graphic, which divides data into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. And they really look like a pie. The advantage of a circular visualization is that it provides a more compact space for the eye to examine the data. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice, the central angle, and its area are all proportional to the quantity it represents. In other words, pie charts provide three different indicators of the same numerical quantity, and that's probably why…
