From the course: Basics of Data Visualization Analysis

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Density plots

Density plots

- Are you looking for reliability in conveying a trend about information for your large dataset? Look no further, a density plot may be your solution. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how a density plot works and how you can best use them to your advantage. Often termed kernel density plots, density plots are very similar to histograms. Their main advantage is that they offer a smoother visual presentation of the data, and they're much better at comparing multiple densities. This kernel density plot visualizes the average January temperature distribution of various US cities. The Y axis displays density, which is a relative measure of frequency. The entire area under this graph has a density of one. Higher values of densities represent higher concentrations of data in that particular region of temperature. Low density values indicate some temperatures are rare, and this often happens at the edges of the distribution as…
