From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations: Positioning

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Supporting your key messages

Supporting your key messages

- Now that we've created our key value messages, we're ready to build our messaging platform. We can think of our messaging like a book. It is anywhere from three to seven chapters. Each of those chapters has the title of a value message. But a title alone does not make a whole chapter. In order to write our messaging platform, we need to fill in each of these chapters. The three key elements to completing our chapters are features and capabilities, customer pain points, and proof points. By completing each chapter, we create a robust messaging platform to use in our go-to-market efforts across marketing and sales. You can find a template for completing this messaging platform on a tab in the spreadsheet included with this course. Let's walk through the elements of each chapter. First, we simply go back to our value filtering exercise and choose the three to five features and capabilities that support the value statement. For example, if our value statement was reduces cost of…
