From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)
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Text to speech - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)
Text to speech
- [Instructor] Now let's talk about the text to speech capabilities of Azure Cognitive Services. As the name suggests, it allows you to go in the reverse direction of speech to text. In text to speech, we convert written text into audible speech. Now, this sounds pretty straightforward and you may have heard the phrase synthesized speech. That's exactly what this is. And as impressive as it is to hear a computer talk, let's be honest. When I was a kid and sound cards were new, this capability knocked my socks off. And I've seen this improve by leaps and bounds over the ears. With Azure Cognitive Services, you can do text to speech in many languages with many interesting capabilities. Let's learn more. In Azure cognitive Services or speech, you have two options. First, you can use an out of the box neural voice. This is called as a prebuilt neural voice. Okay, so here the voice is quite human sounding. It sounds very…
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