From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)

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Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about sentiment analysis. The thought of it here is that you can use sentiment analysis to submit some text or a document and get sentiment labels along with the confidence scores for those labels. You can run sentiment analysis in Language Studio which is a web-based UI, REST APIs or SDKs or even as Docker containers. Let's understand this better with an example. Let's say I was to submit this sentence. "I visited California, and the beaches were so beautiful." What do you think of this sentence? Is this positive or negative? Okay. Here is what AI thinks of it. AI is about 98% confident that the sentiment of this sentence is positive. The negative score is 17%, and a neutral score is 16%. Note that they don't add up to a total of one or a hundred percent. That's okay. This is just how Microsoft has chosen us to give their confidence level on a certain amount of text. Sometimes text can be…
