From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)

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Question answering

Question answering

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about another amazing capability in Azure Cognitive Services for language, which is question answering. Question answering allows you to use natural language processing to create a conversational layer over your data or build conversational applications. But what kind of applications? So things like chat bots, speech-enabled desktop applications, customer support, et cetera. This usually works well when you have a whole bunch of static information that doesn't change very often, and when the same question should yield the same answer. For example, you have benefits information in your company and I wish to know what kind of coverage do I have for my eyeglasses? Let's say the answer is $100. Now, no matter how many times I ask this question, the answer is still $100. That's a good example of static information. Here's how it works. You have a whole bunch of content. You submit that…
