From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)

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[Instructor] - Now let's talk about Azure OpenAI. OpenAI is an AI research and development company. So the thought behind OpenAI was that a bunch of very smart people came together and they pooled their money and also gave up Silicon Valley-like salaries to create something good in AI. The intent wasn't profit, the intent was to push the boundaries of what this technology could do. Now over time, yeah, they're dipping into profit as well. I'll talk about that briefly. But they've done some amazing things. And Azure OpenAI brings some of those capabilities inside of Azure. So let's understand the timeline here. It all started in 2015 by a number of very powerful and smart people and companies. So people could freely collaborate on AI and make its patents and research open to public. They worked with the best intent and they gave up huge salaries at Silicon Valley tech firms and focused on the mission. And over the years…
