From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)

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Implement sentiment analysis

Implement sentiment analysis

- [Instructor] In my next demo, I'm going to use the Language cognitive service to do sentiment analysis. Now, as usual, there are a lot more capabilities. I'm showing you only one. But you can extrapolate this pattern of all other capabilities that I've talked about in Language services using this mechanism. So let's quickly examine this resource I've provisioned called Language. Now, how do you create this resource? Just click on create resource button and search for language and you should be able to find it. Go ahead and provision one. I've created it in the East US zone. Feel free to create it in any supported zone. And the part that I'm interested in is this Keys and Endpoint section. So I've already copied the keys and the location in my code. So let's dive into my code, and go to config.json, and this is where I have pasted the relevant portions. Specifically, I want to be able to do sentiment analysis. So…
