From the course: Azure AI Services Essential Training (2023)

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Azure AI Decision services

Azure AI Decision services

- [Instructor] Now let's switch gears and talk about another group of cognitive services capabilities called Azure Cognitive Services for Decision. This is a group of cognitive services that help you make decisions based on unstructured content. Okay, cognitive services for decision help you make decisions. Doesn't really tell me much, does it? So let's understand what are the actual capabilities in this group. The first is anomaly detection. Anomaly detector is an AI service with a set of APIs, which enable you to monitor and detect anomalies in your time series data. So imagine that you have a stream of data coming in and this is what normal looks like, and this is a spike. This is what abnormal looks like. That's it. That's exactly what it allows you to do and this allows you to work either in batch validation or using real time inference. The next is content safety, which allows you to detect harmful user…
