From the course: AWS: Controlling Cost

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Big data pipeline

Big data pipeline

- [Instructor] For our final architecture, we're going to look at where I'm doing most of my work these days as a working architect and that's big data pipelines and there's a reason for this. Big data pipelines can be the most expensive in terms of cloud span and they have the most services to consider. So we've talked enough about compute and files, I'm not going to talk about that again and really the other services. If you look, the data section is just growing and growing and growing. And this to me is really a fascinating aspect of building solutions on the cloud. Really, what I see from a trend standpoint around cost is there's this idea and it comes out of retail as a lost leader. So the compute, which is Lambda in the serverless world and files, which is S3, which also is serverless are for many use cases, all but the biggest sort of projects. Very, very cheap. In some case, it can even be free. How do…
