From the course: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) Cert Prep: 4 Compute Services

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AWS Batch

AWS Batch

- It's a very common thing in the traditional networking administration world to run batch processes. Batch processes are simply a batch, a bundle, a group, a collection of processes that you want to run based on some logical decision sequence. In the old days, back in the MS-DOS world, we had batch files. Batch files still work in Windows today and they allow you to take a bunch of commands and put them together into a batch that is executed as a unit. Well, in AWS, we needed something similar. So Amazon introduced AWS Batch that allows you to accomplish batch processing of scripts of different types within the AWS environment against your EC2 instances or really any other component of AWS. Let me show you what I mean. So when we're looking at AWS Batch, you'll find it under the Compute Services category and it just says Batch. And of course, you'll notice that you can run batch jobs on any scale. I don't know if you…
