From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Target tracking

Target tracking

- [Lecturer] Dynamic scaling allows you to perform a scaling action in response to changing demand. Dynamic scaling can be of one of these three types simple scaling, which increases or decreases the current capacity based on a single scaling adjustment, target tracking scaling which increases or decreases the current capacity based on a target value for a specific metric such as average CPU utilization, step scaling which increases or decreases current capacity based on a set of scaling adjustments known as step adjustments. Back to the AWS console, we have the autoscaling group that we created earlier called myASG which has a desired capacity of one, minimum capacity of one and maximum capacity of three. To create a dynamic scaling policy we'll click on the Scaling Policies tab. Click on the button that says Add Policy. The default scaling policy type is target tracking scaling, interestingly, the name isn't shown anywhere. Let's assign a name, let's call it as Scale Based on CPU…
