From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Set up a launch configuration/launch template

Set up a launch configuration/launch template - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

Set up a launch configuration/launch template

- The first step in creating an auto scaling group is to set up a launch template, or a launch configuration. This is used to specify the type of EC2 instance that auto scaling creates for you. To create a launch template we'll first navigate to the EC2 service from the AWS console. On the left hand pane, under the instances section, we'll click on launch templates. On the welcome screen we'll click on create launch template. On the next step we may choose to create a new template or a new template version. For now we'll create a new template and provide a name. I'm going to call this one as My Launch Template. The first template option allows us to copy from an existing template, but for now we'll set this one to none. If we know the AMI ID we can type it directly over here or search for AMI. I'm going to search under the Quick Start catalog and the AMI that we're looking for is Amazon Linux AMI. I'll click on select AMI to confirm my selection. Next, I'll set the instance type as t2…
