From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Scheduled scaling

Scheduled scaling

- [Instructor] Scheduled Scaling can be useful when you'd like to scale your application in response to predictable load changes. For example, every week the traffic to your application starts to increase on Friday, remains high on Saturday and Sunday, and starts to decrease on Monday. Right now, I'm under the Auto Scaling Groups tab of the AWS EC2 console, and here's the Auto Scaling group that we configured earlier called myASG. To configure a Sheduled Scaling activity, click on the Scheduled Actions tab, click on Create Scheduled Action. Let's name this activity as Scale Out. The Scale Out activity is planned for Friday when we see increased traffic, and to handle this, we'll set the minimum as two, maximum as four with the desired capacity as three. This means that at any time, we'd like to have three EC2 instances running, not allowing the Auto Scale group to go below two or go above four. The Recurrence option has pre-defined values with the option to write a cron. Since we want…
