From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Monthly cost allocation report

Monthly cost allocation report

- [Instructor] The monthly cost allocation report shows the AWS usage for your account by product category and linked account user. The report contains the same line items as the detailed billing report, plus additional columns for your tag keys. By default the cost allocation report excludes new tag keys created from the AWS Console or API. By selecting the tags to include in your report each key becomes an additional column that lists the value for each corresponding line item. Because the same cost allocation tags can also be used for operational reasons it is best to have a small number of consistent tag keys specifically for cost allocation. This will ensure that you are seeing meaningful billing information that helps to organize your costs. To set up cost allocation report I'm logged into the AWS Console. I'll click on the display name on the upper right hand corner and click on my billing dashboard. Next, I'll click on preferences on the left navigation pane. To activate…
