From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Manual scaling

Manual scaling

- [Instructor] With the Auto Scaling group configured and verified, it's time to perform manual scaling. Manual scaling allows you to change the size of an Auto Scaling group. On the screen now, we have the Auto Scaling group that we configured earlier, called myASG. It has two instances running, with a desired capacity of two and minimum and maximum capacity as two. To scale manually, we'll click on the Actions button and click on Edit. Let's try a scale out, meaning, we'll increase the number of instances. This can be done by updating the Desired Capacity. Remember, desired capacity simply means, how many instances do you want to have running at any time? We already have two instances running. Let's make it three, and click on Save. This will give you an error. Desired capacity must be between minimum and maximum group size. In this case, the desired capacity, which is three, exceeds the maximum capacity, which is two. To make this work, we'll need to change the maximum capacity to…
