From the course: AWS: Automation and Optimization (2019)

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Launch Reserved Instances

Launch Reserved Instances

- [Instructor] Before you can launch a Reserved Instance, or receive the billing benefit for a Reserved Instance, you must purchase one. To do so, we'll log into the AWS Console, and navigate to the EC2 service. Next, we'll click on Reserved Instances on the left hand pane. Then, we'll click on Purchase Reserved Instances. This allows me to specify the criteria. There are multiple Linux and Windows platforms available. I'll select the first one, Linux or Unix. The Tenancy can be Default or Dedicated. I'm going to select Default. The Offering Class can be Convertible or Standard. I'm going to select the Instance Type as m4_large. The Term can be one year or three years. I'm going to set it to Any. And the Payment Option can be No Upfront, Partial Upfront, or All Upfront. I'll set it to Any, and click on Search. This shows me the available Reserved Instances with the Seller Name, Term, Effective Rate, Upfront Price, and Hourly Rate. For All Upfront, the Hourly Rate is set at zero. Next…
