From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Offset sketch geometry

Offset sketch geometry

- [Illustrator] The next way we're going to look at modifying geometry is using the offset command. Let's go ahead and create a new sketch. I have a blank part here. And we can right-click on the graphics window and select a new sketch. And then we can select the X, Y plane and pan down into the left to give ourselves some room to work. We'll go ahead and right-click and select Two Point rectangle. We'll left-click on the center point and drag up into the right. The dimensions aren't important right now, so we'll go ahead and just left-click to create our rectangle. We can right-click and get out of the command by selecting OK. And now we're ready to offset. Offset can be found on the Sketch tab under the Modified panel here in the lower left-hand corner. Once we're in the offset command, there's a couple of things that we should call out. If you hover over the geometry by default inventor is going to try to chain…
