From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Now that you've completed the course, let me be the first to congratulate you. With the knowledge you've gained here you can move forward and take some additional next steps. I wanted to remind you of Autodesk certification. By going to, you can find more information about the certified user exam and the Autodesk professional exam for Autodesk Inventor. Another research you may want to review as you practice and expand your knowledge is This is a site that includes projects related to Inventor and other Autodesk products. There's even information specific to the certified user exam. And finally of course, we have LinkedIn Learning. I highly recommend you take a moment and look at the other courses that are available on Autodesk Inventor. My friend, Thom Tremblay for example has courses on sheet metal and stress analysis which may be a good next step. Whatever…
