From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Modify edges with fillets and chamfers

Modify edges with fillets and chamfers - Inventor Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

Modify edges with fillets and chamfers

- We're now ready to complete this part by adding a fillet and chamfer. On the screen you can see the final version of this part. And if you look in the browser you can see that we have fillet one and chamfer one. If you've been following along you can probably use the model you have on your screen, but if you're just joining us, you can open Fillet Chamfer Start.ipt to follow along. Fillets and chamfers can be accessed in a number of ways. The first is under the 3D model tab, under the modified panel. You can see fillet here and chamfer here. Because fillet is one of the more commonly used commands, you can also right click in the graphics window and find fillet here at the top of the marking menu. I typically use the heads up display to create fillets and champers. And the reason for this is, you can select any edge in the graphics window and the heads up display presents the ways that this edge can be modified. And on…
