From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Mirror part features

Mirror part features

- [Instructor] The last pattern command we're going to look at is the mirror pattern. On the screen, you can see Mirror_Start.ipt that I've created to get us started here. And if you open that, you can look in the browser, and you can see that we have several different features. We have an extrusion, a couple of fillets, a hole, and a work plane. To begin the mirror command, we need to go to the 3D model tab under the pattern panel and select mirror. The default option in the dialog box is to mirror individual features. We're going to start here, and then we'll come back and we'll look at the other option as well. By default, Inventor wants us to select features we want to mirror. And we can do this by selecting items in the browser or in the graphics window. I'm going to start in the graphics window, and you'll notice as we select items, they highlight in the browser. The reason I bring it up is sometimes you may miss…
