From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Introduction to organic shapes with T-Splines

Introduction to organic shapes with T-Splines - Inventor Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

Introduction to organic shapes with T-Splines

- [Instructor] As we continue to explore how to create complex shapes and forms, I wanted to take a moment and introduce T splines. While I know this is an essentials course, and we won't get into a lot of depth in T splines, I want to make sure everybody understands what it is, and what it's capable of, so that when you get to this point in your designs, you can take advantage of it if it makes sense. On the screen I have a basic form, and you don't have to follow along here, we'll get into the details in the next couple of movies. But I briefly wanted to just show what's capable in T splines. I've already got a form created, so I can just double click it in the browser. And I am now placed in my free form environment, where I can start to manipulate this digital clay. By editing the form, we have control to change vertex points, lines, bodies, we can add and remove symmetry, things along those lines, to create very…
