From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Insert constraint - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
Insert constraint
- We're now ready to look at the insert constraint. And this is one of my favorite constraints because it actually makes you much more efficient when inserting screws into holes or shafts into holes. And we're going to look at that now. On the screen you can see universal shafts start dot IAM. And if you've been following along in the course, you might recognize that this is the same assembly we used when exploring mate and flush. And there's a reason for that. The insert constraint is unique in that it can combine both of those constraints that we used in that movie into one single constraint. This makes it so that we have to apply fewer constraints and makes us a little bit more efficient when building assemblies. Let's have a look. Go ahead and right click in the graphics window and select constraint and you'll get the constraint dialogue box. And notice we're on mate, and it has two inputs and two solutions. If we…
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