From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Hollow a part with the shell feature - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
Hollow a part with the shell feature
- [Instructor] The next place feature we're going to look at is the shell feature. The shelf feature allows you to hollow out apart and maintain a uniform wall thickness throughout. I've created a couple of different files to show a few different things with shell, on the screen, you can see shell start.ipt and then I also have bottle start.ipt as well and this should look familiar, this is the bottle we created in the loft movie. We're going to begin with the shell start.ipt. You can access the shell command from the 3D model tab under the Modify panel, here in the ribbon bar. As soon as we launch the command, you'll notice the graphics update. Let's go ahead and pan to the right a little bit. What you can see is that Inventor has automatically entered a thickness or a wall thickness and it's hollowed out on the inside, you can see a little red ghosting there, and let's take a look at the dialogue box for a minute. By…
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