From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Extend and trim sketch geometry

Extend and trim sketch geometry

- Now that we've learned how to create geometry. Let's look at how we can modify geometry using the trim and extend tools. On the screen I have a new blank part, and I'm going to go ahead and right-click and select new sketch. And then you can select the xy-plane to begin sketching, again just like normal we'll pan down and to the left to give ourselves a little room to work, and let's create a basic shape we can use to explore trim and extend. We're going to right-click in the graphics window and select 'create line.' Just like normal we're going to hover near the origin, left-click to begin. And we're not worried about the dimensions overall, so we're not going to enter those now. We can simply left-click and create the basic shape I'm creating here on the screen. Once we have this basic geometry we're ready to begin looking at trim and extend. Let's say, for example, a design change was made and we no longer need…
