From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Dimensioning - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
- [Instructor] Earlier in this course, we learned how to create lines. And while we were doing that, we learned a little bit about the heads up display and how to use it to create dimensions. In this movie, what we want to do is look at how we can manually add dimensions to a sketch. On the screen, you can see dimensioningpractice.ipt that I created to help get us started. If you don't have that open, go ahead and open it and then double click on this sketch to begin editing it. Once you're in the sketch, we can start looking at all the different dimensions that we can create to specifically size this piece of geometry to our needs. To create a dimension, you can either right click in the graphics window and select a general dimension or from the constraint panel in this sketch tab, you can select dimension. Once the dimension command is active, you can start hovering over geometry to see that highlight. What we're going…
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