From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Create rectangular feature patterns - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
Create rectangular feature patterns
- [Narrator] Now that you know how to sketch and model certain features, I want to take a moment and look at how we can pattern those features. On the screen, you can see our start file, Rectangular Pattern Start.ipt. And in it, we have extrusion one, which is the base extrusion and we have extrusion two which is the hole that cuts through this model. Now, in order to create a pattern, we need to go to the 3D model tab under the pattern panel and select rectangular pattern. That'll bring up our rectangular pattern dialog box and right out of the gate, something should look familiar or at least warn you that some input's needed. And that's the fact that this icon is red that indicates that Inventor needs some type of input and it wants to know what feature we're going to pattern. We can do this in two ways, we can either select in the graphics window by hovering over the edge of the hole or we could select it from the…
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