From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create rectangles and arcs

Create rectangles and arcs

- [Instructor] We're now ready to learn about rectangles and arcs but rather than just creating a new sketch and show how to create a rectangle and how to create an arc, I wanted to start moving you towards creating something that has meaning or purpose. So on the screen, you see a simple computer mouse shape and we won't build this entire shape, but I wanted to create the main body using rectangles and arcs. So now you can see where we're headed. Let's begin by creating a new part. You can do that by selecting the New button in the upper left and selecting standard.ipt as your template. And we're ready to begin. As I mentioned earlier in the course, every part begins with a sketch on a flat face. We can do that by going to the 3D Model tab under the Sketch panel and clicking Start 2D Sketch or we can right click in the graphics window and do the same. When the origin geometry is presented, we can select the X,Y…
