From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create detail views

Create detail views

- The next drawing view we going to look at is the detailed view. And if you haven't watched the section view video I recommend you do that now it's very similar. What we're going to do is we going to need to create a detailed view and tell inventor what viewer we want to detail from. We're going to need a detail some area that we want to focus on, and then we going to have to place that view on the drawing sheet. Let's go ahead and do that now. On the screen, you can see I have Engine Block Detail.idw open and that's our start file. If you don't have it open, go ahead and open it now. And we can begin by looking at the things we want to detail here. What we're really focused on is this exhaust port in this isometric view, but we're going to pull the detail from this information here in the base view. To do that, we can go to the Create Panel and the Place Views tab, and select Detail. Now, what inventor is doing is…
