From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Create circular patterns - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
Create circular patterns
- [Instructor] The next pattern we're going to look at is the circular pattern. On the screen, you can see a start file I've created, Circular Pattern Start.ipt. In the browser, you'll see extrusion one which is the base extrusion. Extrusion two which is the hole and extrusion three, which is the key way. Now if you've seen the rectangular pattern movie, you'll find that this moves along quite similarly. We can begin the pattern command by returning to the 3D model tab under the pattern panel and select circular pattern. This will bring up the dialog box and we can begin creating our pattern. Again by default, inventor is automatically setting us to select features and you'll notice the red icon which means we need some type of input. We're going to go ahead and hover over the graphics Window and select the circle or the extrusion through this hole. Now you'll notice that updated this icon to be white which indicates…
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