From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create baseline, ordinate, and chain dimensions

Create baseline, ordinate, and chain dimensions - Inventor Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

Create baseline, ordinate, and chain dimensions

- [Narrator] Now that you understand how to create general dimensions and we've looked at changing the precision of those dimensions, I wanted to take a moment and look at another way we can create dimensions in large quantities at once. On the screen, you can see engine block baseline.idw. That's our start file. If you don't have it open, go ahead and open it now. And on it we have three different views and we're going to use these to explore different dimension types. To do that, we're going to return to the annotate tab, under the dimension panel we're going to look at baseline, ordinate, and chain dimensions. We're going to start with baseline. Go ahead and left-click on that. And let's zoom in on this view in the bottom left. By doing that, we're ready to begin adding dimensions. And if you look in the status bar, Inventor's asking us to select model geometry. We can do that by simply hovering over a line and…
