From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create an extrusion to the next face

Create an extrusion to the next face - Inventor Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

Create an extrusion to the next face

- [Instructor] Now that you know how to create a basic extrusion feature, let's look at how we can select different termination types. On the screen, we have a file to begin with, To Next Termination.ipt. If you don't have that yet, go ahead and open it up and let's begin by creating a sketch. We can right click in the graphics window and select new sketch. And we can select on this face on the model. It'll rotate into position, but you can see here we have some graphics that are in the way. While in the sketch we can right click and in the menu down below you'll see slice graphics. It's F7 on your keyboard. When you select that, all the geometry in front of the sketch is removed. Again, this is just a toggle, pressing F7 on the keyboard will bring it back, F7 again will turn it off. It's not really deleting anything. It's just helping visibility. Now that we can see the sketch plane, let's go ahead and right…
