From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create a sweep

Create a sweep

- [Instructor] The next feature we're going to look at is the sweep feature. And the sweep feature is a pretty unique feature in that it's a feature that requires more than one sketch to be created. It's going to need one sketch that defines the path that you want to sweep along and it's going to need another sketch that defines the profile that you want to sweep along that path. On the screen I have a blank path. If you don't have one, go ahead and open a new blank path. And let's begin by right clicking in the graphics window and selecting new sketch. Next, we can select the X, Y plane. And this is the plane we're going to draw our path on. So go ahead and pan the sketch down towards the bottom so we have some room to work. And we're going to right click in the graphics window and select create line. Once we do that, we can left click on the center point and drag up. Let's go to about 0.75, it doesn't have to be exact…
