From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Controlling lofts with rails

Controlling lofts with rails

- [Instructor] On the screen, you can see the loft we're going to create during this exercise. When we first learned about lofts we explored the condition tab in the loft command and used it to control how the geometry was going to flow through each of the profiles and that's going to work for most lofts. However if you want true control over your lofts, you're going to need to create rails and that's what we're going to do in this exercise. A rail is just a line that has been drawn between profiles to control how geometry will flow through each of those profiles. The item highlighted in green here is the rail that's controlling this loft and that's what we're going to work to create in this exercise. If you haven't already go ahead and open loft start dot ipt. It contains a series of profiles that gets us started and all we need to do now is add the rails. In order to create the rails…
