From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
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Add linear holes - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training
Add linear holes
- [Instructor] Now that we've created a concentric hole we can take a minute and look at how we can use that same hole command to create linear holes. On the screen, I have linearholestart.ipt open. If you're following along, you can probably build off of your model from the previous movie, but if not go ahead and open the start file now. To begin, we need to launch the hole command. We can do that by going to the 3D model tab under the modified panel and selecting hole, or we can right click in the graphics window and select hole from the right click menu. When we do that the hole dialog box is presented, and right off the bat, you can see that we need to select positions for our holes. The other thing you'll notice is that all of the presets, you can notice that it says last used here, have been reset from the previous hole we used. It's a through all, default direction, and 0.75 in diameter. Now that's not exactly what we…
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