From the course: Autodesk Forma First Look
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Setting constraints and locking them in the model - Forma Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Forma First Look
Setting constraints and locking them in the model
- [Instructor] We're still in our test project and at the moment we are in proposal one. Now what I'd like to do here is explain to you constraints in your projects and your proposals. Now constraints are incredibly useful because what you can do is add a constraint especially to the height of a building. And what that allows you to do is to see whether you've gone outside of those constraints. So we're going to work with proposal one in this case and add some constraints to it. Now one of the things that I often do is I go into 2D here. The orthographic mode. Now the reason I do that is I can then zoom in on the building itself, like so, and then constraints is up here on our little design toolbar. So if I hover there, there's a constraint there like that. Now what this allows me to do is it allows me to basically activate guidelines by hovering over edges. So there's one. Like so, there's two. And can you see, my…
Editing site limits, moving from base layer to proposed layer5m 39s
Setting constraints and locking them in the model4m 44s
Working with generic volumes and 3D Sketch8m 55s
Using 3D Sketch to create and edit more complex entities in projects6m 36s
Working with floor areas in the 3D model2m 39s