From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
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Putting hatches on a palette - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
Putting hatches on a palette
- [Instructor] Another really neat tool that you can add to a tool palette in AutoCAD is a hatch pattern, and you can add any type of hatching to your tool palette really quickly and really easily. So we're staying in the 03_SettingUp.dwg file, as you can see. I've left the tool palettes open in the furniture tab that we created. So we've got our Dining Set METRIC and our Sketchy visual style that we placed there in the previous video, and I still got my blocks sitting here quite happily in the 03_SettingUp.dwg file as well. So what we're going to do now, we're going to add a hatch pattern to our little dining set here, and then we're going to make sure that that hatch pattern is added to our tool palette. So first thing's first. We go to the home tab on the ribbon, into the Layers panel, and Layer Properties. You always put your hatching on a separate layer. So I'm going to create a new layer and call it Hatch. Press enter there just to confirm, and just double click next to it like…
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