From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

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Putting DWGs on a palette

Putting DWGs on a palette - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

Putting DWGs on a palette

- [Instructor] Last but not least in this particular chapter about setting up our tool palettes is the ability to add an entire drawing to your tool pallet as well. Now, we're staying in the 03_SettingUp.dwg file, and you can see that I've still got my block here in the drawing itself, in the 03_SettingUp drawing, and I've got the tool pallet open, and I've got my furniture tab current, showing my dining set metric, my Sketchv visual style, and the ANSI31 hatch pattern that we added in the previous video. So how do I add a drawing to a tool pallet? Scarily, quite easy again, let me show you. I've actually got windows file explorer open, and what I'm gonna do is just bring it up now on the screen. Now I've deliberately kind of filled half the screen with it because there's my drawing there. Now you can see it's my 03_SettingUp drawing that I've got open at the moment. So you can see that we've got the .dwl lock file and also we've got the backup file there as well. But if I just select…
