From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

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Locking tool palette content

Locking tool palette content - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

Locking tool palette content

- [Instructor] So, what we're going to look at now is securing our tool palette content. Now, you'll notice I've still got the 06_PaletteManagement.dwg file open and that's where all of our blocks are actually stored right now. And you can still see the two lines that I've drawn there, that I've drawn from our commands tab here on the palettes as well. Now, I'm not too worried about the commands, you can't really lock down the commands, but when it comes to block content, you might want to lock that block content down. So what I'm going to do, I'm just gonna delete the lines, don't need those, they can be erased now. So we'll just erase those from the drawing like so. Now, I'm gonna go back to the furniture tab here. Now the furniture tab on the top palette points to this drawing, the 06_PaletteManagement drawing. Now the problem I have at the moment is that this drawing is open so I can't lock it down. So what I'm going to do is I'm gonna save the drawing, like so, and I'm gonna…
