From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
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Inserting blocks - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
Inserting blocks
- [Instructor] In the previous video we looked at setting up the insertion style when we were working with Design Center and AutoCAD. So they allowed us to bring an imperial block into our metric drawing and scale it accordingly. Now we're staying in the same drawing, the 02_DesignCenter.dwg file, and you'll notice that the blocks are still there, that we've brought in previously, and also Design Center is open. Now what I want to show you is a slightly different method of inserting blocks from Design Center into your AutoCAD drawing. Up until now, we've done the drag and drop where we select a block over here in Design Center and we literally drag it, click and drag, and there we go. There's another toilet there, like so. Now, if I go to the insert tab on the ribbon in AutoCAD, and then click on insert block here, that allows me to bring a block in, like so. So I can go and click on the bathtub, that'll bring it into the drawing, click, and place. Now obviously I can utilize the…
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