From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

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Finding blocks with DesignCenter

Finding blocks with DesignCenter - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

Finding blocks with DesignCenter

- [Instructor] So we're sticking with our O2_DesignCenter.dwg file and you'll notice I've zoomed so that the table and chairs are now in the bottom left-hand corner of the drawing there. I've left Design Center open and what we're going to look at now is how do we find blocks in AutoCAD Design Center? Now right now, we're in the Folders tab, here, of Design Center and we're in the Sample drawings and also the sample blocks that come with AutoCAD. What happens if I want to look in one of the drawings that I've already got open, such as O2_DesignCenter? So I go to Open Drawings on the tab, and there's my O2_DesignCenter.dwg. Now all I've got to do is click here on Blocks and there's the block there. Now it's very very easy to do because when you minimize here, like that, there's my open drawing. So I expand, go to Blocks, and there's the blocks that are available in my drawing. Once I've found the blocks, it's just a case of clicking on it. There's a little preview of it, there's the…
