From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

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Creating tool palettes from DesignCenter

Creating tool palettes from DesignCenter - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes

Creating tool palettes from DesignCenter

- [Instructor] Here we are in the last video of the chapter where we're looking at AutoCAD DesignCenter in AutoCAD. We've got the 02_DesignCenter.dwg file still open. You can see the Blocks that we brought in, in the previous videos there and I've left DesignCenter open. Now, I'm in the Folders tab, remember, in the Sample drawing, that House Designer.dwg. Remember we went and found that Sample Folder in all the Folders and Files that come with AutoCAD and we're in the Blocks, there, like so. Now, you may ask yourself, why have we got an entire chapter dedicated to DesignCenter when we're using Tool Palettes in AutoCAD and that's the name of the course? So shouldn't we be working with Tool Palettes? Yes, we should. But this is where the link between DesignCenter and Tool Palettes is really, really cool. This is one of the little features in AutoCAD that I kind of get a little bit excited about because it's just such a massive time saver. You've got a drawing somewhere and it's on a…
