From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
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Changing the look of your tool palette - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Tool Palettes
Changing the look of your tool palette
- [Instructor] So we're now starting another chapter in our using Tool Palettes in AutoCAD course and it's now, Developing Your Tool Palette Part Two, the Next Chapter. So in the previous chapter, we created our little dynamic block here and as you can see it's got that nice little flip parameter, like so. I'll just hit Escape to deselect it. Now I'm in a new drawing, which is 08_Developing_Part2.dwg and you can see I've got the block in that drawing, like so. What I've also done in the background is I've changed the properties here of the block on the Tool Palette. So I've right clicked, gone to Properties, and in here Source file, I've gone and looked for my particular Source file. So you can see there I've got 08_Developing_Part.dwg and I've clicked on Open, like that, and I've changed the path and clicked on OK. Now the reason I've done that is purely for my use so that I know that I'm using the right block, in the right drawing, while I'm recording the videos for you. Now you can…
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