From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Changing the INSUNITS variable when working with blocks

Changing the INSUNITS variable when working with blocks - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Changing the INSUNITS variable when working with blocks

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick for today. Now, we've got a new drawing for you. It's called InsertionScales.dwg. As usual you can download that from the website to use to follow along with this particular AutoCAD tip and trick video. Now, as the name of the file suggests, we're going to be looking at insertion scales in AutoCAD. Now, if you've been following my tips and tricks you'll think to yourself, hang on, he's covered insertion scales already in a previous tip and trick. Well, yes I did. But, only when the INSUNITS variables was set to zero. So the INSUNIT variable, if you type INSUNITS like that, there's the variable, if I now press enter you can see that that is set to zero right now. Which means, I'll just hit escape there, I can now right click, go to options on the shortcut menu, and I can set my insertion scale here, via the options dialogue box. But the INSUNITS variable has to be…
