From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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234 Project: Working with eTRANSMIT to publish project drawings

234 Project: Working with eTRANSMIT to publish project drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

234 Project: Working with eTRANSMIT to publish project drawings

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. Again, this is another one of those tips and tricks in that project series of tips and tricks, where I take you through an entire project workflow. This particular tip and trick does, however, stand up as a standalone tip and trick for AutoCAD as well. So if you're following the project series, it's the next one in the series. If you're not following the series, don't worry, this is still a regular AutoCAD tip and trick that you can follow. We have an exercise file for you to use. It's called 234_PROJECT_eTransmit.dwg. You know the drill by now. You can download it from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. We're going to be looking at the AutoCAD command eTransmit, which is a fantastic way of transmitting your drawings to other stakeholders and clients that are working on your particular AutoCAD project. So I've got a drawing for…
