From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: User
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Route pipe from equipment
From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: User
Route pipe from equipment
- [Instructor] When we run piping from equipment, we simply choose the nozzle that we're connecting to and look for the continued pipe grip. When we do this, Plant 3D will automatically select the appropriate flange or connection. Let's start to build our structure and equipment models by adding some piping. Let's go ahead and open drawing 05_03. We're going to run some pipe from this pump here. I want you to look at the equipment for Pump 503B. You can just hover over the equipment, and you'll see that's 503B, and this one's 503A. We're going to work with this one for now. I want you make sure that your Dynamic Input's turned on for this. Just a little trick that we can do here, if you come down to the lower left-hand corner of your AutoCAD menu and you'll see this little three-barred button down here that says Customization, if you click this on, up near the top, you'll see there's a section here for Dynamic Input. Check this on or off. What this does is gives us the option to…
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Piping overview6m 25s
Basic pipe routing7m 59s
Route pipe from equipment8m 51s
Adding branches8m 9s
Adding valves12m 35s
Adding instrumentation3m 46s
Pipe supports5m 21s
Sloped piping2m 59s
Line to Pipe command2m
Insulated piping3m 42s