From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: User

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Equipment templates

Equipment templates

- [Instructor] Once you start to create pieces of equipment based on vendor information and specifications, you can save them as templates and use them over and over again, either in this project or in any other project that you create going forward. Templates are created by default inside the project folders, and this location is set up by your project administrator. So let's go ahead and open drawing 04_06_equipment. Now what we're going to do is take the two vessels that we have here. We have the horizontal vessel and the vertical vessel, and we're going to save them as templates that we can use elsewhere. Just going to change my view to parallel here, makes selection easier, and I'm going to come into our equipment, and I'm going to use the Create Equipment button. Now, it automatically takes us to the last configuration and saves the last configuration that we made, so everything that we see here should be set up exactly as it was when we created that vessel. So typically once…
